November is the time to honor and thank our veterans for serving our country and sustaining our freedom. SEEK is a proud member and supporter of the Wisconsin Veterans Chamber of Commerce and the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce’s program, Hiring Minnesota Heroes.
According to the Wisconsin Veterans Chamber of Commerce, they are “the only business organization serving the over 400,000 military veterans and nearly 40,000 veteran owned businesses across the state.” We are honored to be part of this network that not only supports and promotes veteran-owned businesses but also helps place veterans in fulfilling civilian roles which take into account their past service and accomplishments.
Veteran-owned businesses play a vital role in our economy, both statewide and nationwide. Since veterans can naturally transfer their leadership roles from the service into leadership roles in business, they are therefore, not surprisingly, twice as likely to start their own businesses than non-veterans. These businesses are also two-thirds more likely to be patronized by Americans.
Those veterans looking for work and transitioning into civilian roles can find assistance through SEEK and its job placement resources. We welcome the opportunity to help match veterans with the jobs they desire. This month especially, we give thanks for them and their sacrifices and are grateful for the chance to help service their success.
For more information, please visit:
Wisconsin Veterans Chamber of Commerce